For every 10 seconds that pass by for us, 10 minutes pass by in the game's universe. One of the first things you'll notice about Friends of Mineral Town is that time actually ticks away, and each day transitions from morning to night similarly to how it does in the real world. The running time clock limits what you can accomplish each day, as does your character's stamina level, which diminishes every time you use one of your tools. As time goes on and you add livestock to your farm, you'll acquire new tools, such as a brush, a milking apparatus, a fishing pole, and a calling bell. Grasses require the use of a sickle, which is another tool in your inventory.

To harvest most crops, all you need to do is walk up to a fruit or veggie and press the A button. You have a hammer and an axe for clearing stones and branches off of your farm plot, you have a hoe for tilling the field, and you have a watering can that lets you sprinkle water onto the seeds you've planted. Each step requires the use of a specific tool. Crops are your primary source of income, and there are a fair number of steps involved in turning those seeds you bought from the local supermarket into fruits and vegetables that you can harvest. There are different things to do in each area, but your main responsibility is to fix up and develop a successful farm. The land of Mineral Town is composed of a village in the north, your farm in the center, and mountain and mine areas to the southwest. Harvest Moon covers every aspect of farming, from growing crops and raising livestock, to fun pastimes like horseback riding.
Harvest moon friends of mineral town cooking simulator#
The game does take quite a few hours to hit its stride, but once you get past the initial stages of seeding the farm and learning the ropes, you'll discover that this hokey farming simulator is actually one of the GBA's most satisfying and captivating games. Along the way, you'll interact with townspeople, buy goods from local merchants, participate in community gatherings, and develop friendships with the daughters of the local citizenry-to the point that you can even ask one of them for her hand in marriage. Your goal for the rest of the game is to sow fields, grow crops, and raise livestock. After you pop in the cartridge, a brief cinematic explains that an old man has died and willed you his farm. To say that Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town is unlike any other RPG or simulation game currently available on the Game Boy Advance would be an understatement.